X-men villians

X-men villians

This product usually includes 8 mini print set of the Big bad villains of the X-men universe but for fun i thought i throw a bonus one for fun. They can be added to supplement other sets and future sets, All of the 9 prints will be signed by Peter Nguyen the artist. Each print measures out 6 by 9 inches and together all 9 make a rainbow with a extra set of black and white. This set is unique so far that its the only set with a bonus brown.

You can find more images of the prints on my Instagram (ink4884) or how they are painted at #xgenecolors on instagram
Characters are
red- Omega-red
orange-Saber tooth
yellow- Mojo
Green - Sauron
blue - Mystique and Destiny.
purple- Deathbird
white- White queen and the hellfire club
black - Mr sinister.

-international shipping wont have tracking